Person using mobile app to make a payment.

Online & Mobile Banking

Freedom Bank Online and Mobile Banking

Online Banking

  • Go to
  • Click the gold LOGIN button. 
  • Click Enroll on the bottom right corner of the login page.
  • Complete required fields.
  • The PIN is the unique four digit code you gave your New Accounts Representative when you opened your Freedom Bank Account. Call your local branch if you have questions.
  • Create a NEW Access ID (case sensitive, at  least 6 characters, easy to remember)
    This will be your USER NAME.
  • Create a New Password: Passwords are at least 10 characters, and up to 17, using at least 1 Capital Letter, 1 Small Letter and 1 Number, and a special character. Confirm your new password and submit.
  • Enter and confirm your E-mail address. The address bar will be green if the log-in is secure.
  • Answer the 3 challenge questions (answers are case sensitive).
  • To utilize online banking, review then "Accept on the Internet Banking Agreement &
    Disclosure." (If you do not accept, you will not be able to log in.)
  • You can choose to "Accept or Decline" for Electronic Statements. If you click accept, you will no longer receive a paper statement. You will receive an email to view statements online instead. If you accept e-statements, you will need to select each account that you'd like to receive e-statements for.
  • You should now be able to view your accounts.

SecureNow PC/Mobile Banking Two-Factor Authentication

Freedom Bank mobile banking is more secure than ever before. One Time Password messaging is an added login security feature that adds a layer of identity verification to your online banking. You'll receive a real-time message (text or voice) with a six-digit code to complete your login. If you're having difficulty with this new security feature, please contact 417-846-1719 or your local branch. One Time Password messaging voice phone call service is ID phone number Sacramento, CA (669)241-2767 and SMS One Time Passcode is coming from code: 36397.

Mobile Check Deposit

  • Before logging into your Freedom Bank App, close all other apps that may be running in the background of your phone.
  • Sign/Endorse the back of your check and label it "For Mobile Deposit Only at FBSMO". Include signature of all payees.
  • When prompted for the amount, carefully enter the check amount to ensure it matches the amount written on your check.
  • Flatten folded or wrinkled checks before taking the photo.
  • Keep the entire check within the viewfinder on the camera screen when capturing your photo.
  • Try to limit the area surrounding the check, with the check in focus.
  • Mobile deposit limit is $2,500/ business day
  • Cut off time for mobile check deposit is 4:00PM CT.
  • Take a photo of the front and back of the check in a well-lit area.
  • No shadows across the check.
  • Entire check is in frame, all four corners are visible.
  • Check images are clear.
  • The MICR (numbers at the bottom of your check) are clearly readable.

Three generations in a canoe fishing together.

Banking on Freedom for Generations to come.

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